Twitter Search Filters for Laser Targeted Search Results


Twitter is a massively popular micro-blog platform where people share their mind. Statistics show that there are 6,000 tweets every second. This amounts to around 500 million tweets a day, and that’s a lot. As a user, you can converse with users, find users around your location and trending topics.

Twitter allows users to share moments fast, which often results in news circulating on the platform before news networks publish it. If you want to market your product or services on Twitter, you have to know the secrets of the trade to stay ahead of the competition. You can opt to use tools which costs substantially more that what individuals can afford. We are going to share some Twitter search filters that is going to make monitoring, filtering, and reducing spam on your search for making it easy to find targeted leads and demographic.

Combining multiple search filters works, but stacking too many search filters limits the number of results twitter will return. It depends on the results you are specifically looking for. If that’s the case, then even a few results may be acceptable.

The Basics

Search Query Results
linuxmint Shows tweets containing linuxmint
#linuxmint Shows tweets containing the hashtag
“linux mint” Shows tweet exactly matching Linux mint
-venmo Adding a ‘-’ sign tells twitter to filter out the word accompanying it
-“cash app” Excludes tweets containing exactly “cash app”

Include/Exclude by content and content type

Search Query Results
filter:media Shows tweets with content containing video and images
filter:images Shows tweets with images
filter:videos Shows tweets with videos
filter:links Shows tweets with links
-filter:media Shows tweets without video and images
-filter:images Shows tweets without images
-filter:videos Shows tweets without videos
-filter:links Shows tweets without links
exclude:links Exclude tweets that contain links
exclude:retweets Excludes tweets that are retweets
exclude:replies Exclude replies and shows only original tweets
exclude:mentions Exclude tweets mentioning other users
exclude:hashtags Exclude tweets with hashtags

User filters

Search Query Results
from:Webume Shows tweets from user Webume
to:Webume Shows tweets mentioning user Webume
-from:@webume Filters tweets from the webume user
filter:verified Only show tweets from verified users
list:webume/social Shows tweets from a social list by webume


These need to be accompanied by a keyword

Search Query Results Shows content containing links from Instagram
source:Facebook Shows content directly shared from Facebook
source:”Zoho Social” Shows content shared from the Zoho Social Application
source:”Twitter Web App” Shows content shared from a browser
source:”Twitter for iPhone” Shows content sent from the Twitter app on Apple iPhone/iOS
source:”Twitter for Android” Shows content sent from the Twitter app on Android

Activity filter

Search Query Results
min_retweets:3 Shows tweets which were tweeted over 3 times
min_faves:3 Shows tweets which were favorite over 3 times
min_replies:3 Shows tweets containing at least 3 replies


Search Query Result Search Query Result
Arabic lang:ar Italian lang:it
Chinese(Simplified) lang:zh-cn Japanese lang:ja
Chinese(Traditional) lang:zh-tw Korean lang:ko
Danish lang:da Malayalam lang:ml
Dutch lang:nl Norwegian lang:no
English lang:en Polish lang:pl
Filipino lang:fil Portuguese lang:pt
Finnish lang:fi Russian lang:ru
French lang:fr Spanish lang:es
German lang:de Swedish lang:sv
Greek lang:el Tagalog lang:tl
Hindi lang:hi Tamil lang:ta
Hungarian lang:hu Thailand lang:th
Indonesian lang:id Turkish lang:tr


Search Query Results
since:2019-08-17 Shows tweets after the listed date
until:2017-01-27 Shows tweets before the listed date

Use the above mentioned search filters creatively and you will find your Twitter search results to be less cluttered, which allows you to interact with the right people for your business marketing.

These search queries work in Twitter web application or any twitter application that supports twitter search. So you can get the most out of the app functionality with Twitter functionality as well. Some third party twitter apps support saving a twitter search query and we believe it could make it very convenient to find what you are looking for every time you open the app.

Category: Internet